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Dear ,

It is Santa Claus writing to you to say that I am looking forward to visiting you on Christmas Eve and giving you a Christmas present, I always love flying over and seeing the well behaved boys and girls because it means my nice list is very long and I always want to give as many presents as possible.

It is snowing and cold in the North Pole at the moment, I am hoping there will be some snow in on Christmas Eve because my reindeers love sliding down to the roof tops to take off into the sky. If it does snow, make sure you look out in the morning to see if you can see my sleigh tracks.

As I said, I know you have been a well behaved so you are on the nice list, I also saw your best friend on the nice list too – that made me, the reindeers and the elves very happy. It is so nice watching you play and hearing the stories about you both at .

What has made this year so special for us is how good you have been with your , You play so well together and your family are so proud of you and smile when you are together.

We have been in the workshop for most of the year making toys, teddies, games and everything else for Christmas, it was only last week that we were making your , we cannot wait to give this to you on Christmas Day!

I will go now, but I just wanted to say well done for being so well behaved, it doesn’t go unnoticed but make sure you have a good night sleep on Christmas Eve so you have lots of energy on Christmas Day to enjoy playing.

Father Christmas

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