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Dear ,

It’s Father Christmas writing to you all the way from a cold North Pole where me and the elves are busy making Christmas presents for good boys and girls like you.

Now, I know that you won’t be at your usual home in this year and instead you are going to be in at house – that is very exciting for you, but I wanted to let you know that I know of your plans and your presents will still get to you safely when you wake up on Christmas Day.

Do you think they will still leave out some mince pies and carrots for me and Rudolf? It is very hungry work delivering the toys around the world in one night, but I have been charging up my sleigh so we can make it round to everyone.

I heard that you have been working very hard at very proud of you, in fact, we are all very proud of you in the North Pole – Rudolf came in to tell me the news.

You are such a well behaved old, I wish that everyone else is as well behaved as you, and because of that you will be very happy with the present you will be getting on Christmas morning. Did you still want a ? Because that is what we have preparing for you.

Have you put any of the decorations on the tree that you made at ? You and your classmates made some fantastic decorations, I do so much enjoy looking at them all when I put toys underneath the Christmas tree.

I have to get back to making toys now , but I just wanted to say well done on being good this year and making it to the nice list. Enjoy your Christmas at and make sure you keep your eyes shut tight all night

Father Christmas

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